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Scoliosis Activity Suit Provider

The ScoliSMART Activity Suit has been designed to create a resistance training effect on your spine. Each time you take a step, the suit activates muscles in your spine, which helps reprogram muscle firing and coordination. By triggering a response every time you take a step, your scoliosis and posture will improve and become more functional and stable. Often, when muscles coordinate better, patients experience better movement and less pain.

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To purchase a suit through our office call to schedule a fitting and learn more about this treatment option. 816-425-5578

Also, ScoliosisKC is HOME to Marce's Charity: The Crooked Life Foundation.

ScoliosisKC partners with The Crooked Life Foundation who delivers HOPE to scoliosis patients one by one by providing Scoliosis Activity Suits to patients without sufficient means to attain one.  You can visit the charity's website to learn more:
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